Book your Session

Session + 1 Final Image: $590
100% Money Back Guarantee!

Add’l Images: $195

Makeup (add-on): $200

Only pay for exactly what you want. Purchase an appointment session first,

then purchase images individually in the add on section in step 2.

That way, you aren’t paying for anything you don’t need. The number of images can be increased or decreased at the shoot.
Unlimited Outfit and Background Changes Included!

What will my headshot session be like?

Get ready to have an experience to remember. Having your portraits taken shouldn’t be something you avoid like the plague. Thankfully Kristina knows this is not most people’s favorite past time, and she makes up for that. She has spent close to two decades perfecting the way she poses and lights her subjects so you’re guaranteed to be happy with the images. If you aren’t, there’s a 100% money back guarantee.

You’ll arrive at Kristina’s Bethesda headshot studio and be greeted by Kristina and your makeup artist (if requested prior to the photoshoot). You’ll proceed with makeup and hair application and then chat with Kristina about outfit choices and what you want the images to convey.

Once dressed in your first outfit we will test the lighting and review the test shots together. If a makeup artist has been hired, she will review the images and ensure that every hair is in it’s place and that there aren’t any wrinkles in your clothing. You’ll chat with Kristina about the portraits just taken and what you like or what might need tweaking. Then you’ll shoot your first round.

“The client plays an integral role in deciding where the shoot goes.”

This way Kristina can facilitate exactly what the client was expecting for their images.

Once shooting is complete, Kristina will review all your portraits with you and she will help you decide which images to purchase and which to delete. The final amount of images is always up to the client to decide. You can purchase as many or as few as you see fit. That’s the beauty of Kristina’s pricing structure.